Who knows about 5.5 hp governor Honda power??

Ok I might have figured this out? It's amazing what you can buy on Amazon, so I was able to purchase the governor springs AND a new arm on AMAZON for this thing plus after searching the web a while longer I discovered that the little spring ( mine is pretty buggered up ) that slides over yhe throttle rod attatchs to a tiny hole in the black plastic throttle arm on the carb and I THINK that action will pull the throttle back to closed? If this works as I hope I will finish the final adjustments as described in this thread and Hopefully??? It will be fixed so I can get this thing out of my shed and sold to someone who can use it. I will let you know how it all goes once the Amazon man in the Amazon van delivers it!

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must be some reason it's a number one seller. maybe the most common part that malfunctions. keeping fingers crossed it does the job!