Stop in for a cup of coffee

Jesus.. just went to buy a 727 tailshaft gasket and snap ring cover gasket $5... $18 shipping...
TSR-Racing... place actually has stuff in stock and super cheap though.. other places the gasket is $7-10 with them it's $3.. plus they have the proper early 727 parts i need. I really hope my governor is my issue.. rebuilt the trans twice and it's the only part that i didn't even look at, cause what are the odds of that being bad :)

yeah i had to look up the area code :)
BTW.. seems the owner wrote one of the 727 books... sells it for $31 on that site.. people are asking over $100 for used ones.. wtf.. Kinda wanna order one just to have it.
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Transtar Industries in Madison Heights Michigan is close enough to you for those gaskets. They sell stock rebuild parts as well the performance parts.

TSR has really nice upgrade parts as well. Their billet band apply lever and strut are excellent. If you have future plans for upgrades you could add that kind of parts tp your order to get more value out of the shipping.

That handbook by Carl Munroe is very good to have as well. If I remember correctly I found an answer to a question I had about later 727 lip seal differences in that book that I did not find anywhere else.