Well, I drug home another one

Update, the entire time time the engine has run on the stand, it has been with my go to, known good working, Holley 750vs that I use to break in any engine I screw together. I ordered another CSU blow through carb weeks ago because Kevin did such a nice job on the carb for my boat and yesterday got the call that it’s finished. I’ll toss it on the engine likely Tomorrow and fill the run stand tank with e85 and fire it up to get the initial tune up squared away. I now also have all of the parts to assemble the 6 speed to the engine and most of the clutch. Currently missing only a magnum weighted flywheel. More to come soon. 45FE282B-9B02-4CF6-8C55-B6DDBBC39199.jpeg62A4B0B3-01CA-47F0-901C-D07D21CF6525.jpeg