My new 340 at the track

Thanks for figuring it out because I’m pretty tight lipped on HIS mods. As they are his mods. He did a lot of different things from top to bottom. So the stock crank cut down to Chevy size wouldn’t bother you running in the 9’s. Remembering that I run all 1/8th mile except on a test n tune night if I want a 1/4 mile number.

Wouldn’t bother me at all. The one thing that would concern me with a cast crank is if they turned the mains down to 340 size. That would get me a bit nervous.

Saying that, it’s internally balanced and to me that’s a big deal. Getting the balance forces off the ends of the crank makes them live longer.

Yup, I’d run that and not lose a wink of sleep.

Maybe tomorrow if I get out to the shop I’ll take some pictures of what I’m doing. It’s very close to what he did.

Or maybe a video. I hate typing.