My new 340 at the track

The engine isn’t together yet, so I can’t speak from experience at this time, but I had mine turned down to 2.100 as well. Being a worry wort, I had it re-nitrited. My reasoning was to run the lighter weight Eagle (Chevy) rods, with the smaller diameter 927 wrist pins to reduce stresses due to weight on the reciprocating assembly. Topped it off with lightweight flat tops (435 grams) and 1/1/2mm ring pack. Again, all in the name of reducing the reciprocating weight to reduce stresses and deflection since I plan to turn up to around 8k. Bob weight came out to 1,580. All that being said, I fully support turning down to the Chevy rod journal, but am of course heavily biased in my opinion :p

Sorry to derail, the 340 in this thread is killer and I’m super jealous!!!