Last one to post in this thread wins!

Well this was one of these days. Tidied up the house before I went outside and was going to work in the garage.
Wife called out "we have water in the basement".
Yup the water heater is leaking.
So get onto Rheem (good name for it) and while on the phone check to see where the leak might be.
Just at the lower part of the tank.
So called Home Depot where we had bought it.
Get this, they want me to haul the tank out and take it back and then they would give me a new tank.
I said to the girl, no, for one thing I don't have my gas ticket as it's a gas tank plus no way to bring it to you.
Long story short I have to wait till tomorrow to see when I can get the new one installed.
Bunch or morons!!!!
So cold shower it is tomorrow whether I like it or not.
That sucks for sure. A few sponge baths I guess. Maybe on each other. :lol: