65 Barracuda - Advice on where to get stuff - door trims, carpet etc

There are members from Europe and your neck of the woods who make arrangements with a shipper? They rent a sea container and when they buy stuff have it sent to the shipper who puts it in a container. When the container is full or has enough the shipper sends the container to the member.

As for seat covers door cards etc. legendary auto interiors has become the industry go to, BUT, others sell their stuff as well.

I'm thinking for what the sell for plus import fees and shipping, you might be able to have an upholsterer in your neck of the world copy your existing seat covers etc and it might be cheaper or at least a wash.
Thanks for the reply......I've thought of getting trim done here, but the fact is they wouldn't be able to make the patterns here or have the right grains of vinyl either. Even carpet can't be moulded here.....just sewn in, and I much prefer moulded if I can.

I may not have enough time to get seat covers even made, and sent to the car for shipping - I was just thinking I may as well get stuff I know I'm going to need. It actually shouldn't cost me that much when it's left with the car before it leaves the U.S....so long as you don't go mad and completely fill the car with stuff. I've just finished reading various reviews on legendary items as opposed to say PUI. Legendary does have a great reputation.