Cam swap without pulling motor

It looks like the Cometic MLS gasket is out. The oil hole for the rocker shaft passes through the deck surface on the head at a fairly steep angle. Milling 0.078" from the head has changed the location of the oil hole enough that I'm not comfortable with the MLS gasket's ability to seal since this gasket relies on a raised ring around the perimeter of the hole. The 1008 Felpro looks like it would still work since it is fiber. Might have to enlarge the gasket hole slightly.

I would still like to use the Cometics if anyone knows of a workaround. I would also consider the Mr Gasket 0.028" gasket. I don't have one of those but the pictures look like it is fiber as well (the description on Jegs is graphite/steel). Anyone have experience with the Mr Gasket?