Well I think my racing season is over

And this is the biggest reason I pushed myself as hard as my body would let me. Michael Beards are NOT guaranteed payout races. But they are also pay at the gate races. The winner’s purse was cut drastically at the first two races and racers hate that. So to try something different instead of a 10,000-20,000-10,000 three day race he went to three 10,000 races and lowered the entry numbers for full payout. Out of state and local races still didn’t show up so they instead are having a 3000.00 gamblers race today and the rest of the weekend is canceled. Total bummer but I heard 60 racers showed up today. Now I’m not there do this is hear say but it must be bad, real bad. My guess is this series won’t be back and some of that blame falls on my shoulders.

