Walkie talkies

We use ours when we're out in the deep country hunting or 4-wheeling.
Good idea. A friend hunts in Maine- No cell service. But I think he'd say the noise would scare the critters away.
For people that like to talk while they walk. What else ?
Doh! I walked straight into that one!! lol!
Well,,,,mostly anything really,,,,,no service required,,,,just good batteries .

Oh yeah,,,,,,the cell phone you are carrying,,,,is the best surveillance device ever invented .
Also,,,,when you sign up with your service carrier,,,,somewhere in all those pages of an agreement that you have to agree to ,,to use their service,,,are loopholes that can ruin you in the right circumstances .
Of course ,,,if you’re not going to break the law,,,you have nothing to worry about I guess.

But remember,,,they know everything you looked at,,,,and everyone you talk to,,,and everywhere you have been .
They even send ads to you after you go shopping in a store,,,,and even send ads to you after discussing things with your friends,,,,,while not on the phone !
These things are listening,,,,,it’s funny to get an ad out of the blue after a friendly chat at the table eating,,,lol .

I tried protecting my privacy for a long time. I hate to admit it, but "they" have won.