How Many 64 Barracudas

I'm not so sure that's an accurate gauge. You're assuming most would have their cars insured with Hagerty. I know of TWO 64 Barracudas less then two miles away rottin in the woods. They're insured by mother nature. I'm sure there are lots more and even some that have been recycled. I guess that's his only way to find a "guess" on the number. And a really loose guess at that.
It’s not perfect but it is a gauge I bet to get closer than “2 rotting in a field”.
lol! The OP really has no idea how open the question they asked really is. BUT Since he was askin how many oars on the road. Most states require insurance and Haggerty is about the cheapest ins for old cars there is. again it’s a “number.”
Is is perfect? “Nope.” But he would be closer to their goal.