Unsticking an unused engine........

Lacquer thinner, automatic transmission fluid, maybe add penetrating oil (Z max super thin oil)

Should loosen rusted stuck metal

You would have to see it to decide what to do then
Used MMO, ATF &acetone, PB BLaster, Knocker loose, wd40 penetrant,, deep creep, all for a good long soak. Cyl 2 never leaked down, but the other 7 did. Thought the inside must be bad, but both top amd bottom end look great. Was going to take the rof cap off on #2 and see if crank roatated, but it is in a position that i cannot get a socket on the 'lower' rod nut. The main bearings 1 2 and 3 look good as do the crank journals there.

At this point i am 95% sure the issue is frozen ring(s) in #2. Since the bores look bretty good for 235k miles i could just button it back up and let the rebuilder figure it out. But, i really want to get it free first and probably will pull the crank so i can get a wrench on that lower rod nut. The only thing i can get on it at this point is a univeral joint socket, but cant get enough leverage to breaknot loose.

Will upload some pics as soon as I get some time to film them.