Found my dads original 1971 duster!

Glad to read you are seeing the positives now! Yeah, it sucks being taken for a ride with your hard earned cash not being used efficiently by the restorer and the sting of that learning experience.

However, you’re rolling up your sleeves and fixing things yourself with the help of members here and contacts you know locally, which has also improved your auto mechanic skills. Those skills will help you for the many more decades the car will be in your possession!!! Your making lemonade out of lemons!

Well done!
You’re definitely right. Lots of people have said on here that I’d learn a lot about the car etc by having to do things myself….and it has 100% been correct!
Today I took the seats out and straightened the crooked coffin console and installed the carpet around it. I also installed the plastic seat backs. They don’t look perfect, but good enough for now. It looks like he didn’t use enough foam or something. There are gaps between vinyl and the plastic backs. The mopar store that’s 25 min from my house had the coffin console carpet in stock!

I tried re soldering the rad today as well, but it was like trying to solder copper water pipes that have water in them (the solder just wanted to run off). I cleaned everything really well and used flux. The leak is less now, but still there. I’ll take it to a rad shop when I get time

