Stop in for a cup of coffee

Busy weekend. After having the pipes out and fixing the well last week, I read that they recommend shocking with chlorine. I’ve had it out before and never did that, but thought it sounded like a good idea. So, before working a regular shift last night, I made sure I had everything needed. Mainly lots of bottled water and plenty of buckets. This morning I mowed the yard. Changed oil in her car. Then got everything ready I could before I got a shower. Around 6 tonight I put a respirator on, went in the pit and dumped bleach in. Mixed in good with a hose from the house running in the well. Then ran everything to fill the house pipes. Now I wait till morning and flush it all out. Should be able to use water later tomorrow, but won’t drink for a while till tests for no chlorine. Fun stuff…
I used to carry a small dropper bottle of Clorox so I could drink the water in some of the places I went
