Question on adjusting dual quad carbs.

Thanks Troy, I was never successful getting the DQ and Eddys set up properly. I was in a rush, and wanted to get moving on the 340 build, so I pulled the setup off the 273 and shelved it for later on.
@str12-340 Mike was a big help with the progress I made. I enjoyed making the diy progressive linkage, but I didn't have much success with entire setup. I will revisit once 273 is rebuilt and on stand.
Here's my thread, might be some helpful info??
Dual quad info

I think it’s rediculous for US to hold that grudge for 60years .
Apparently the tactic hasn’t worked. We might be better off letting them develop with our tourist money and get a taste of the good life . That being said I really don’t know much about the situation under Raul vs Fidel . So sad… it was such a vibrant country in the 50s.