It hard to Put that much time and effort into something and then just quit. We aren’t talking 25000,00 bracket cars here.

I get it. But at some point I just can’t be treated like that. It’s no longer about the wasted money and time.

When I was younger and someone cheated like that and we found out?? It was an *** beating.

I don’t hold out hope anything will ever change. I see nothing from the Chrysler guys that makes me think anything other than as long as they can race they are ok with it.

I’ll never be ok with cheaters. That puke Jeg is a TWICE convicted cheater and he’s still out there. Of course NHRA is more concerned with the Jeg money than integrity.

I mean Alderman was suspended and shamed for something he didn’t do. Yet Jeg cheats, gets caught TWICE and I think rather than slap his hand they just took a big check and laughed their way to the bank.

You get treated exactly the way you let people treat you. NHRA has been ******* racers since almost the beginning. And yet people keep going back. Just like a dog to its own vomit.