426 hemi advice

I'm always amused when something is for sale and the seller says "I know nothing about it". That's similar to a fine print disclaimer of "you're on your own".

Yep,,,,usually a sign to run the other direction .

That block can be fixed,,,but it will be expensive,,,,,and that’s a lot of money for a block that’s hurt,,,,and probably already bored .060,,or .080 and needs another rebore to clean it up .

I think I saw this listed a while ago on EBay,,,,,same money and general description .

If it’s the one I saw,,,,,,something just seemed funny about the listing,,,I never looked any
further .

On the bright side,,,,it made me feel better about the value of my Hemi engine .
I have a 70 model engine,,,,that’s only been bored .010,,,,I’m going to take it to.020,,,just because that’s the pistons I have already .
