Getting fed up...

I agree. I can go on for hours about this... I have no idea why people oggle over the greatness of Rock****, almost every part I'd ordered from them was complete garbage. I'll be the first to admit that I'm dumb, but the old saying of "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result", made me stop using them anymore. Also, Autozone and Advance Auto parts have become complete ripoffs. I avoid them like the plague, but sometimes I have no choice but to go there and get reamed. They also sell car batteries for twice of what Walmart costs. There's nothing more frustrating than being under a car, elbow deep in grease and oil, and finding that the new part doesn't fit..... But what I've been doing to try to remedy this problem is buying the parts online from generic sellers (new ebay items, make/model specific companies, smaller specialized companies, online dealerships, etc.), but also checking and double checking that they have a certain reputable name brand PRINTED on them. Alot of online sellers pull the bait and switch, and show a photo of a real part and then send you a generic equivalent... So I usually email them three times beforehand to open the box and check the label on the part before it ever leaves their warehouse.. So far it's been working pretty good...