Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hello FABO,

(Remember I am a babbler, if you don’t want all the unnecessary details, skip to the end section 2). Apologies.)

1) I have an exciting announcement. After much deliberation and several band meetings… the family and I, with my dads blessing, have come up with what we believe to be our family car group name, (hope we don’t step on any toes) it’s just for fun so the family members that aren’t exactly wrenching are still involved…

my oldest, Ruby, age 11, came up with the idea… we wanted to stay in the theme of “resurrection” and or “zombie” or “afterlife” we tried “dead fish” or “fish bones” and so on in a creative and humerus poke at the story of our Barracudas story having lived and died and was then or is being, revived… if you’re familiar with our story…

After many attempts at coining a catchy and applicable theme… my daughter came up with this… “what if grandpas car is actually kind of like a ghost?… something that once was, then left or disappeared and came back as a spirit?” … after she drew the Mopar Maniac on our driveway, please enjoy the pictures… she continued with the idea that the little green monster aka the “Mopar Maniac” was a perfect example…

I asked her if she could show me what she meant… she drew a “ghost” version of the maniac operating a mopar car of her imagination… and after many rough drafts and creative thinking, sticking to theme of rat rods, junkyard cars and the like, my youngest, Penny, age 6, suggested that cars that are forgotten or sit and wait for restoration were ghosts in a graveyard of cars… and she called them “rusters” … we then threw “ghost” at it… and it stuck!

2) Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls and children of all ages… we are proud to present our new family car group name….

We are the
(dramatic fan fare and applause!)

Not sure if it’ll get us in any trouble or cross anyone not having a trademark or anything, but I’m hoping it doesn’t need to go that far, it’s a harmless and fun thing to do for the family.

I am so proud of my daughters and wife for getting into it and making it fun and personalized. My dad loved the idea. Just another portion of the car culture having something there to offer everyone something to enjoy.

Hope you guys like it! I’ll be changing our profile picture and name over to the Ghost Rusters once I figure out how.

Thanks everyone in the FABO for your support and feedback! All the best and happy wrenching! (The girls names the ghost “Tinker”)

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Love it .. and even BETTER the way you came to the decision.

Anybody who skipped to the end, go back and read the story dammit. .