Was Your First Job at Minimum Wage?

My first job, that wasn't on the farm, was at a Bob Evans Restaurant as a bus boy making $3.35 an hour.
I got a promotion to dishwasher (yeah, sarcasm) and got another .10¢ an hour for that. Asked to be a grill cook, and that did come with a decent raise, a whole .35¢ an hour.
I think I was at a whopping $4.15 when I joined the Army. If we break that down by the hour, it was less than minimum wage.
Outside of that, I worked hay, and tobacco. The guy who I worked tobacco for stiffed me and my brother on what he owed us. My Grandpa got involved and in the end, he struck a deal where we both got a new pair of Nikes. To this day I though that was a bunch of bullshit.