What should cold lash setting be?

So...if the engine is currently running. Set the lash hot as specified, then record the lash after it cols down to room temp. There is your cold spec.

Typically you can go .002 from the factory lash spec without issue. Sometimes you can go .004, even .008. You can definitely do that with a purple shaft cam. 28/32...used to run 24/28. Even ran 24/24.

Remember, while a little valve train clatter may be annoying and you may lose a few HP, a loose valve is much happier than a tight valve.

I always do it the exact opposite, usually 6 or so lower when cold lower than what the cam card calls for..IE set at 20 cold if the hot lash setting is 26.
Setting cold is way more accurate. Everything is the same temp. Setting hot, you have to wait a bit just to get the covers off, then takes a while as things are cooling.
Then once set cold, let it get hot and quick check a couple, and see if your 20 cold is on the money or not. If not, adjust accordingly when it cold again. Once you know the hot/cold range( only takes once) your good.
Way, way easier to work on something when it isn’t hot. And way more accurate. If you do it cold, all are the exact same temp, no matter how long it takes you to do it.