Was Your First Job at Minimum Wage?

1969; I don't remember exactly, I want to say 90cents per hour pumping gas after school til 8PM, and IIRC; time and a half on Sundays(which was IIRC 13 hours). I was getting something like 30 hours a week, and by the math, I was rich! That was enough to buy me a set of tires every summer, atta time when gas was around 37cents per 160ounce-Canadian gallon, and since I was too young to smoke or drink, I had plenty of spending money. By fall of 1970, I had $1200 saved up to buy 50% of a nearly new 1970 Swinger340/4-speed. The bank was happy to lend me the rest.
If I had any, I did that during spares.
No time. Well by 16, I had had my heart broke twice so, not much interest.