Stop in for a cup of coffee

Ehhh I’m not so sure. As an MP, I’m usually on the side of the LEO but this one gives me pause. Seems like a HUGE over reaction on the cops part. Yeah I get the whole window up and down thing, but that doesn’t warrant pulling the guy out of his car and cuffing him. I see a lot of due process rights violations there. Plus I fail to see them being able to establish probable cause to even open his vehicle, rolling your window up isn’t gonna fly in most courts as PC. And the supreme court has ruled multiple times that speeding alone isn’t probable cause to detain or arrest or even conduct a search.
I know quite a few cops here and one thing they all hate are blacked out windows, can't see in, can't see if they have a weapon or what they are doing.. The second he refused to put that window down he was fucked. Cops have to protect themselves...