Stop in for a cup of coffee

@Icetech agree 100%. I know a number of LEO’s and they all say that if you don’t cop an attitude with them, they will try to work with you. If you’re a jerk, they will treat you the same way. I have a CPL and the times I’ve gotten pulled over ( it’s been many years since I have) I have always volunteered that I have a CPL and if I am or am not carrying that day. They have always thanked me and never once have I been asked to give them my weapon. Treat them as you wish to be treated.
Yeah, i had a buddy growing up that would always take a swing at cops when they pulled him over (always for **** he deserved to be pulled over for) would just get his *** beat and sit in jail...

There isn't a single time being an asshole to a cop has paid off... it's not like they are gonna go "Ohh.. he's being mean to me i better let him go and just leave"