Stop in for a cup of coffee

Last time I got pulled over was a freaking mess. There WAS a *** hole trooper in the local barracks, rookie with a attitude. Just in the Cobalt in town with the daughter. Nothing I was doing wrong. Get pulled over, Being nice as can be. Holy crap he tried to get me going but I was killing it with kindness. He does a drug look at me , has me out of the car walking the line etc. Daughter is laughing her *** off I was very anti-drug at that time. He is really pushing it on me. I actually wanted to take a swing at him, but we know how that will end. He cuffs me puts me on the curb, remember its Halifax, PA people I know are driving by yelling my name blowing horns etc. I am seriously pissed finally asked him why he pulled me over. Because my plate OIF veteran plate is partially covered. WITH A RETIRED VETERAN surround. Finally releases me after no crap like a hour in cuffs. See him in his car later that day guess what he has a plate surround. Called the desk SGT who I served with in the guard told him the story, sent a local sheriff to pull him over for the same thing. He is gone now was caught stealing from a crime site. Asswipe!
I was one of the 27,000 fined over Labor day. My registration had run out on the Neon while I was in Alaska. The cop said why are you shaking so bad? I didn't realize I was...I thought he was going to get me out and search my car because of the papers and chit on the seat. (it is bad) I just said I am nervous because I don't have a clue what I did.