The second to the last paragraph says it all.

If the GM garbage was out qualifying Mopar and Ford stuff they wouldn’t make a rule change. NHRA would tell them to go make more power.

But when GM is getting out qualified and really embarrassed they get a rule change.

This is why Pro Stick went to the minimum weight, maximum CID rule. Every time a non GM car was winning it would get “factored”.

They would pencil whip the rule book into GM shape and everyone else had to take it.

Of course that didn’t fix anything either because the Johnson family was screed multiple times by NHRA and Mopar.

As long as any non GM stuff shows up at the races it won’t matter. In fact, now that I type this out it won’t matter no matter what.

If the race had only GM junk show up the stands would still be 90% full.

It is what it is.