Was Your First Job at Minimum Wage?

Cutting grass in the early 70's. Made $3 for one old gal's lawn each time I cut it and got it done in about 50 min. Pushed my mower down city blocks to cut others. Had one that was a big payday - $10 - but it took like 2-1/2 hrs to mow. 20" push mower on about a 2 acre field with ruts and bumps and generally got beat up.

In about '75, worked in a little clothing store for $2.18/hr. BORING!! Would go eat lunch at a diner and spend a couple hours work each day.

Then in 1979, started work at the GM Lordstown assembly plant as a student intern. $48/day made me filthy rich! Or so I thought. 1st paycheck was for 2 days work so $96. Netted about $80. Used that to fill the tank in my 69 Charger for the FIRST time! (It had only ever gotten $5 or less before that.) Still have that paystub!!