Was Your First Job at Minimum Wage?

I turned 16 Feb. 1964, sofomore in HS,. The day after I turned 16 I started work at A & P Supermarket ( supermarket was a stretch) in Dawson, Ga. I forget the wage but seems like $1.10 rings a bell? Or was it .$90??? Every after noon after school except Mon. (stock day) and 12 1/2 hrs Sat. It paid for my gas in my old 49 Chevy, horse feed and shoeing. What the heck else did I spend all that on!!?????? Oh yea, an occasional quarter horse!!

About the fall of '63 there was a good pecan crop. I was about 14 or 15. Out thru the country, old abandoned tenant house sites alot of time had a few seedling pecan trees. The but was about the size of a marble! Little! Well I would ride out on my horse and carry a couple of burlap sacks and help; myself. I guess it could be called stealing or I figured there in Terrell Co., Ga. anyone that wanted good nuts did not fool with seedlings! I had a horse lady family friend that they could get dealer price on new saddles. I paid $400 for a new roping saddle with nut money.