Was Your First Job at Minimum Wage?

Baling hay….10c a bale, we worked for every farmer in our area, and for a scrawny kid of 14, we made a lot of money.

We also earned a $1/hr for a local school teacher who brought used tires home from the city. He rented out my friends horse barn, dumped the tires in the barn, and we cleaned them, separated them into sets, and put them in stalls for him to sell. Problem was, he never even bothered to try to sell the car tires, he only wanted the semi tires to turn in to the recapping plant for big $$. So, it was up to my buddy and I to sell them to our friends to make money and “keep the inventory down”, which we gladly did. We had a friend who graduated and was working in a factory who would trade us an ounce of weed for a nice set of tires. He sold em to his buddies at work, and we rolled the ounce into joints and sold em at school. We had money and weed coming out of our ears. We could use the money to buy even more weed at $75 for 4 ounces and roll about 200 joints. And of course we were the life of the party, because we always had weed, lots of weed!

Good times!!