67/68/69 cuda dilemma

^^ I had an ex wife years ago, that caused me to be like that! If I was not working, I was depressed. I changed wives, cured. Sad to say, but was the truth.
Heres the back story to all this. Most of this has to do with one of my children. The last 10 years have been rough. She has bad mental health issues. Now at 18 years old, my 3 month old grand baby is living in our home temporarily the last 2 months pending CPS. CPS has been in and out of our lives over the last 10 years in regards to her. The amount of broken **** in our home, and broken car windshields is epic. She even stole and wrecked my wifes new Impala twice. I had her arrested for that.

As a matter of fact CPS was just here this morning. They were talking about temporary custody here for the next 12 months. My job is to be a grand parent, not a parent. I told CPS I have done my penance, I raised 4 kids. My youngest just turned 12. I will be 63 when he is 18. At that point I want my damn life back. If I raise my grandbaby I will be 75 years old when he is 18, if I am lucky to live that long without any debilitating ailments. And my wife will be 67 years old. I will be too old to be dealing with a teenager on the daily. I told her, my job is supposed to be a grandparent to this child, not a parent. Expecting me to be a parent is going to create some serious resentment issues, especially after all the B.S. my kid has put myself and my family through over the last 10 years.

So yeah, the constant bullshit from this 18 year old narcissistic little ***** has taken its toll on my mental health. Although CPS did tell me I can put a restraining order on her if I want to. This will make her have to go to the CPS office for visits with her baby. I am now seriously considering this for my own health and well being. If she wants to act like a criminal, she can go to the CPS office to visit with her baby.

She is going to use this child as a pawn, and ruin his mental health. He really needs to be with a young couple who really wants him, rather than where he is. My wife and I want him as a grand baby, but his mother is going to ruin him. I have a feeling that like any other gubmint run agency, that CPS will make the wrong decisions regarding him, and that adds to what weighs my mind down.