Can anyone decode my new Demon?

Ya, the owner said he and his friend bought the junkyard 35 years ago and now they're getting out of the business. He said my Demon was there for about 25 years. It was moved around the junkyard over the years. It's funny that after 25 years, only the door, steering column and windshield wiper motor was taken. The car is complete otherwise.

He did have alot of Pontiacs, there were GTO's everywhere. I even saw some Carousel Red Judge parts laying around too. He said one of his big recent sales was a Cuda convertible rusted rolling shell. He kept in touch with the new owner who restored the car to a show car. The owner sure didn't seem like much of a salesman, I think that's why the cars are still there, and almost complete, after all those years. A real wheeler dealer could make a mint on those GTO parts alone, instead of crushing them...