73 Duster build named Fred

Ok, I said I would explain when I got back from Disneyland with the family and now that we have been back for a little over a week, I suppose I should.

When I built this car, I told myself that it would be the last car that I build and I would keep it forever. Sadly my health started slowly going down hill at the beginning of this year and progressively got to the point where I just couldn't keep up with prepping the car, loading the car on the trailer, hang out all day or weekend at the track racing the car and when it was all over, loading the car back on the trailer and going home. The nearest track to me is 2hrs each way. All the other tracks that I went to were quite a bit further away and it really took a lot out of me.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I wouldn't be able to go a few seasons before having to give it all up. Even then, I thought I could muster enough energy to make a race or two whenever I felt up to it. It got so bad that by the time I got to the race track, I was exhausted and starting getting really bad headaches. This took all of the fun out of it and it became a struggle to find the motivation to do it all over again. I enjoyed my time at the track hanging out with my friends and I truly do miss it but I just couldn't physically do it anymore.

That led me to reconsider keeping the car. I busted my *** to get it built and take to the track and hated the thought of the car sitting in the shop collecting dust because I could not use it as intended. One morning I woke up and thought I put post it for sale and did not think it would actually sell but sure enough, less than an hour after posting the ad, I had 5 people all interested. 4 of them were probably tire kickers but the very first person to send me a message was ready to buy it. I tried talking him out of it (because I was in denial about wanting to sell) but he insisted he wanted the car and made a full price cash offer.

Sad thing is, this was 1 week before the 39th annual Mopar Nationals at Woodburn, OR. A race that I was most looking forward to attending with this car. Last year I made it to the finals in Pro with my Super Stock and really wanted to do it again, only this time with Fred. In a way, the car selling before this race was a blessing in disguise. There was no way I was physically going to be able to make the 6+ hour trip (each way) by myself and I did not have anyone available to go with me.

I couldn't ask for a better person to buy the car. The new owner is in Michigan and is a Captain at his local Police Department. He had grown up racing Chevy's and Ford's but had always wanted to run a Mopar. He had been thinking about getting back into racing, only this time so he could teach his son so the search was on for a Mopar. When he saw my ad, he knew this would be the perfect car to do that with. New build, not too crazy, low maintenance and fast enough to be considered a race car. Their plans are to finish the car and keep it street legal for the occasional car show/cruise but primarily use it on the track. My exact mindset when building this car.

I talk to the new owner several times a week and they absolutely love the car. They are going to finish the body work and paint the car this winter with plans to race a full season next year. I can't wait to see what they do with it.

As for me, I plan to chill and get healthy. The Disneyland trip with my entire family was a blast. Exhausting but there was nowhere else I wanted to be. I have started to clean out my shop of all unnecessary tools and equipment. I have tons of parts and stuff that I will never use again that I will find good homes for. I hope to find some kid starting out that might not have everything he/she needs and try and help out with a donation. I started golfing again. Something that I used to do almost daily but stopped because I was spending every free moment in the shop working on one of my vehicles. I cleared out an area in the shop and put up a golf simulator so I can play year round or whenever I want. Someday I will look for a clean a-body street car to buy. That way I can have something that I can drive when I'm up to it. My heart is with Mopar and I plan to die with a Mopar in the garage.

@MOPARMAGA - I found a box of thinner, reducer, hardener, filters, mixing sticks and more for you. Basically all the stuff I should have given you with that gallon of paint.... lol
@pittsburghracer - I still have that Super Victor intake that I have no use for so it's yours. Just a small token of my appreciation for your advice, conversations and most importantly, friendship.

Thanks for the good times FABO. I met some really good people here and made some lasting friendships. I might not be around that much anymore but I plan to check in from time to time.

No shame in what you decided. It's like you've been there, done that and got the shirt all in one year. Very respectable results. Now I'm hoping to get a pic of me (maybe my car too?) and whoever else is part of this community that is present at Milan WITH "Fred".