Well I think my racing season is over

Appreciate the kind words. Back or kidney stone flared up Saturday night and I had to take a hot shower just to make it to church Sunday. Running the sweeper Sunday afternoon was even impossible. I was going to call the doctor Monday but took the day trying to figure out what the heck is going on. 4 weeks ago I saw lots of blood in my urine then after a week to ten days it tamed down. Now severe pain but I’m not seeing blood. So after checking me out today he’s leaning towards kidney stone or shingles. Two meds for a week and if no improvement call next week to schedule cat scan. This sucks.

If it came down to a kidney stone or shingles I’m taking the kidney stone.

I’ve never had shingles but I had a couple of friends get it and it was nasty stuff.

Let’s hope it’s not shingles.