Bad paint job

The clear coat is flaking in multiple areas of my paint job. I estimate the paint is roughly 20 years old, as it was this way when I purchased the car.
Question is, can I sand back the bad spots of clear to feather in the edges, scuff the entire car, then spray the whole thing with another coat or two of clear? Or, will this just make the bad spots stand out more? I'm just trying to get by for a few years till I can afford a new paint job. Tks for any input.
Simple fix and cheap is to buy some spray can clear and just spray over the spots that the clear has peeled off.
Not sure how bad your car is but it worked on mine real well. If you're going to re paint it later that would be your best fix for a while.
Don't sand it just clean it with some wax and grease remover first.