I put new lines on mine in year 2000. Lines still going strong. Ima thinking leaking is not a good excuse, lol.

But this I get

Cuz the header install is a lil easier, and less frustrating.
But not for any power-sucking, cuz on a 360 it's a non-issue.
However, as to the header thing;
I used to take my 360 out every fall, and swap in a 318. Then in spring, I swapped the 360 back in. I did this for 5 maybe 6 years in a row, cuz the car was my DD.
If you think about it, that's a lotta header swapping going on. TTI's for the win. The very first time, there were a couple adjustments to be made. And a lil fine tuning on a subsequent swap. But after that, it was a breeze. The point is this, don't let header installation scare you out of a sweet power-steering experience.
Well get it or not, I wanna go to manual steering lol. I’ll be glad I did once I do put headers on it .. whether it’ll be Doug’s or TTI.