Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

That is one true statement right there. I also work for Game and Fish as a Hunters Education Instructor. I cannot tell you how many Fathers and Sons or Daughters come to class as a pair. The parent and often times the grandparent will sit thru the class with their little one. It is just the coolest thing ever. Right up until little Johnny starts asking very direct questions over legality scenarios! Children think in straight lines with no guile. The “what if” questions are classic. You can see the adult squirm on occasion. The questions are far too detailed to not be based on real life, usually they are around duck hunting or road deer hunting. I simply answer the question and figure the rest is up to them to sort out at home! The question usually starts with “What if you stop the truck when you see the deer and get out of the truck before you shoot is that ok?” Only thing missing is hold my beer!

I took my hunter’s safety class at my local YMCA to get my license when I was old enough to hunt. Years later a local sportsman club with an indoor range had another safety class. This one involved range shooting after each class with our 22 rifles. I put a sling on my gun for the class as that was part of the instruction learning how to shoot with one in all positions. I think 4 of us signed up for the class from my small neighborhood. What a great time we had.