FRAUD ALERT. Let me give you a warning.

I’m on board with whatever is needed to help the situation. I’ve done tons of online deals when it comes to guitars and amps and mostly have had a good experience. There’s always shady characters out there though…

What some people do that I’ve noticed.. say I’m selling some old slot mags on here for $400 shipped.. some yay hoo that comes across on here takes my photos, marks the price up $200 bucks.. and becomes the middle man and makes $200 off it.. nothing illegal about that but, buy the parts first.. have them in your possession, then try to sell.. be smart about it. Stealing photos without ownership is pretty chicken sh*t..

Since the gubment is dipping into people’s PP/online payments now for taxes, people wanna use other methods that don’t affect a person’s income tax wise. It’s made the online thing a bit of a breeding ground for shady people to take advantage

Something as mentioned previously, having some sort of ID with the photos would be at least a good first step..