Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well men and ladies, Francine has found her way here and it has been raining pretty good for an hour, glad it runs right off the hill, may take a drive to the flat lands and see how the lower flat lands are looking.
So much more quite in the shop when it rains now, love the insulation

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We are about to get your rain. The hurricane has blessed us with a nice cloudy day today. Our adopted boy is swinging by for dinner, his lady is showing up at three to learn how I prepare Dove. Dove for the Entree, big home made salad, rice for the carb or garlic toast, and a Edwards frozen turtle pie for dessert. Going to be fun teaching his lady in the kitchen. She took today off for the event so we kicked it off with a pistol shooting session. Now heading to kitchen. She helped harvest the dove so it is only fair that she learns how to prepare it. Great time of year here in Arkansas!