This place is amazing!



Moderator and forum fixer
Staff member
FABO Gold Member
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
I don't know why I haven't noticed it before but this place is pretty amazing. At any given moment there are hundreds of members on line (thousands total) chatting mostly about their Mopars but may be about their Ford or Toyota. Getting answers for rebuild and restoration questions. We meet at car shows, have made friends across the globe, and just around the corner. In the proper places we talk politics and cuss and call each other names but would enjoy a beer together if we had a chance. A hurricane takes someone out and we jump in and donate parts for an auction and the proceeds go towards helping the guy get back on his feet. My Mom passed away and a bunch from the Coffee Shop Thread got together and sent flowers and a few bottles of whiskey. (they know me) No better folks around than those that hang out here and the other forums. This place, like most forums, has taken on a life of it's own. It's a habit, a disease. We are all hooked. Sitting in an airport waiting for your flight, where are you looking on your phone? FABO of course! Cheers and have fun.
Ditto. It's a good group here. Now who's down for a group hug?

I don't even have a mopar anymore but I still check in here just about everyday. I've met some good and smart people from here and got some good deals and parts along the way.
Good entertainment sitting on the crapper. :poke: The People, format and staff members are a rare combination for sure.
Good entertainment sitting on the crapper. :poke: The People, format and staff members are a rare combination for sure.
I do my best work there! :lol: I don't call it going to the John anymore. The new name is Jim. Now I go to the Jim. It sounds better!
@toolmanmike I have to agree 100%. Its been about 35 years since Ive owned a Mopar, and this site has been invaluable to me in regards to relearning things Ive forgotten, and learning new things I need to know about my Swinger. The members are incredible and always willing to help out, and I find myself checking in on the site multiple times a day, just to see whats new and going on. Wish I could buy you all a beer!
Yep, a great place for sure it starts my day every morning, I have Mopars, not a A body, ( my kid does ) but honestly the best people and info are here, one minute your chatting with some guy in New Zealand, the next just south of me, every one's got great input! Lots of humor here to, who would have thought you would chat about your dog or cat on a car forum, we are all human! .. except the bots!
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I agree. This is an amazing place. I check in at least twice every day. I would hate to be without it.
I gotta agree with everyone above, with their postings.
Everyone seems to know one another, and all the regulars on the forum.
I appreciate it when, members refer me to others, in regards to brake, and suspension parts that i rebuild, sell.
Jim V.
I spend a lot of time here even though I don't currently own a Mopar, I'm still responsible for the care and feeding of one that my brother owns, and I have made some good friends through here. I've said it many times, there are a whole lot of really good folks here, most of them know a whole lot more than me, and always willing to help out a fellow gearhead. I am a member of a couple of other forums, but there is far more activity here.
Yep, made a few friends(maybe a couple enemies too lol). Received lots of support thru all sorts of hurdles, moving from home and the wife, Dad dying etc.
Gotten an assload of advice, some good some bad, but I always try to reciprocate lol.
I don't even have a mopar anymore but I still check in here just about everyday. I've met some good and smart people from here and got some good deals and parts along the way.
dammit Ray .. my p.c. is at the geeks squad ,they screwed it up during a session , also took this chrome book in with it to see if they could cnk it to match the p.c. , she screwed this up too , and I just now got it back to working / almost comp. illiterate here !
This forum makes me feel as if I know some of the members even if I have never truly met them. The good information that can be extracted from knowledgeable members is of immeasurable wealth. One of the other beautiful things is the one guy that may not know a lot but knows that exact one thing someone is asking about. At that very moment you have given up on someone being able to answer your question or give you some help he chimes in and answers your question. This forum is also good for the one huge thing that is always going to be a problem and is only going to get worse as time marches on...finding the parts you might need that are rare, not copied or are in the beak of a hen. When I asked members to help me poke a little fun with my girlfriend "RED" at the Indianapolis swap meet there was no lack of cooperation...Even while milling through the crowd guys wouldn't necessarily jump in but there were plenty of thumbs up, wry smiles and little head nods that made me know they were For A Bodies Only guys!
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Have to chime in here... Life circumstances led me to acquire my MOPAR not all that long, so happy that I chose an A-body! Both because I just love my car (and the A-body line in general) but this forum has been a huge win. My "other manufacturer" friends and family are amazed at the community here through the site. Every member that I have had the privilege to meet has been just the best, and most helpful. Yeah, there's some occasional dart throwing and rants, but considering the size of this community and the number of threads, that number is amazingly low. (and Ignore...yeah, that :) ). I keep getting closer to getting the project done and that is seriously because of this storehouse of knowledge. Thanks to Joey for laying this out... the mods for slaying dragons, and taking some "verbal" abuse and the membership for your willingness to share knowledge, opinion and parts! I look forward to starting my day on here with a coffee.
I can't begin to put into words how much this forum has helped me with my build, and the friends I've made through it and met in person. There are still some more I'd like to meet in person. What a great wealth of information and fun!
This is definitely the best Mopar site in the Universe ! Lol. "T" & I have met a lot of people on here. Made a few friends along the way. And we're going on a new roadtrip next week to meet a few more. Good thread Mike !!!
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Red needs a Trident in his right hand, and IDK what in the other.
Ima thinking the Trident could have a pointy stylized "M" like the Twister decal; and maybe a small piston/rod assembly in the other, wherein the rod is bent and the big end is somewhat destructed, and just hanging on with one loose bolt.
Hyup; that would get my vote.
I want at least 4 Tee-shirts. and
I want a Sew-on embroidered patch for my Jacket. AND,
I would like to see, "FABO Forever" on the patch somewhere, not under his right foot of course, lol. unless maybe it was on a semi-jagged rock. or maybe a bug-eyed rat being crushed, Hyup that would be good too. and/or a Fratzog pendant on his chest. Ok how about FABO forever in tiny script tatoo'd around the front edge of his tongue, barely legible, so the chicks gotta get up close and personal to read it.
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No better place than here on the internet and the best bunch of people.
All my best friends are here and meeting new friends here all the time.
Thanks Mike for your hard work keeping this forum in order... :thumbsup:
Couldn't agree more -- this is a great forum. I'm definitely one of the students who comes to learn, since I don't know jack diddly about Mopars or the mechanics of working on cars. Without a few good friends and this great site, there's no way I'd have been able to complete some of the work I've done. One of these days I'll be able to teach someone something I've learned here, and it'll be an awesome feeling.