Bait & Switch BS at Home Depot! (Caution! I'm still worked-up here...)

What price do y'all see here?


To me it looks like I can buy this for $383 and some change.

But over my lunch break just now I tried to buy it in the store, and they wanted to charge me $419.

When I saw the price on the screen at the checkout I said, "Whoa! Hold on a second here. The online price I saw at the office was $383-something" (an easy number to remember, right?).

Dude just looks at me and says, "This is the correct price".

"No, it's not!", I said.

So he looks it up online in the store, and of course there it comes up at $419.

So I explained (I was still calm at that time) that the screen in my office said $383, to which he said, "Do you have proof of that?"

"Proof? I need to supply proof of the pricing now to buy something here? This is classic bait & switch bullshit, and it's illegal as hell!"

To which he responded, "No need to swear", while smirking and chuckling (so help me God, I **** you not!).

And then things went downhill from there. I mean, the guy was actually laughing at me....

(Point of info: This is not the first time this has happened to me there, so I've learned to pay attention to the prices. Thankfully all of the previous times were for much smaller amounts.)

I've remodeled two entire houses using (mostly) HD-sourced tools and materials, and I would estimate I've spent somewhere between $50-$75k with them over the years. And while I understand the whole "dynamic pricing" thing (I understand it, but I don't condone it), I truly believe these guys have become nothing more than bait & switch rip-off artists, and I will swear today, before God and all of you Good People here, that I will NEVER set foot into, or buy anything from, another HD store for as long as I live!

**** 'em!

(Gotta go for a walk to calm the hell down.)