1974 Plymouth Valiant Scamp - Restoration is a strong word

Well, this is frustrating. I drove to my DMV inspection so they would modify my dismantled title to clear, but the inspector spotted that the seventh character listed on my title (8) does not match the car (G). Sooooo, they rescheduled me for an inspection in two weeks and advised that I go back to the third party DMV that issued the title in my name to see if they have the old title, or a scan, and can verify that they made the typo, and issue a new title. If they can't do that, I may have no choice but to go down the bonded title path. Not the end of the world, but inconvenient. I'll stop there this afternoon and find out.

The good news is, the car drove great, no stalling, no issues. The ambient temperature on the way back was over 90 degrees. I even got on the freeway for a few miles at 70+ mph.