63 Dodge Dart, now let me see;)

Figured I'd better go ahead and do the mini-tub: I'd say this was the "easiest" part cutting it out, don't get me wrong! it was noisy, dusty, and a little scary,(cut-off wheel and/or sawzall) I hope this works! lol I can start fitting it tomorrow unless Gary has other plans~ I have enough 19gauge to make the "spacers", doesn't need a flange like the ones they sell. I will weld them in. I was a little worried the body might have gone , Ka-bong, but it didn't. I think the fitting part should be straight forward, then welding, just the time involved and being a contortionist! ;)

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You can just make out the top of the tire~ looks like a foot clearance and the tire is about where I'd want it~ I could go 4 wheeling!!
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