Anyone know anything about Subarus?

Well thanks for all the bad news, lol, just kidding, ok so a little more info, first my son is a licensed marine mechanic but switched gears from the automotive side prior to that and previously worked in a couple Japanese car dealers as a tech before. I, like the rest of you have been messing with cars since I was a kid and I'm also a marine mechanic so I feel we're both capable of handling the job. The question is where if anywhere can we get reasonable priced parts? The JDM idea is a good one so thanks Dubob I'll look into that, the head kit JDmopar posted is going to be about 5k CDN by the time it landed and we can find a used motor close to that which is what we might do. Now this being said up here this thing is worth about 4k just in parts so worse case he can recover funds that way but he has is time so we will keep looking. I agree with what was said about these being great and fast etc until they break because they been run hard but what about all this Japanese quality people rave about? Any way thanks guys I got more responses here in 8 hours than I have in two days at the Subaru forum, lol