Bait & Switch BS at Home Depot! (Caution! I'm still worked-up here...)

Same with Walmart. The pricing on line is cheaper than the store pricing. So you go to return it, as your waiting forever in line you order the same item for 1 hour pick up and save some money, The store will not price match their own website at the register. We did this with 12 jugs of Delo a few months backs. Funny thing was it was still in the same cart that we took through check out. I wrote on the handle of the cart just to find out how lazy they are.

Last month I go to get a chest freezer from Home F**k-o, I talk to the gal in appliances, and she’s like we have this one that came back as an open box it’s 499, I’m like ok. We would over to the new ones and it’s 459 for the new one. Same item, I’m like that makes no sense, the clearance one should be cheeper. It’s was all timing, the clearance one was returned like 3 days before the item went on sale. And they would not drop the price of the cleaner item one, said have fun sitting on the return, would you have someone pull the new one from the top shelf….