Bait & Switch BS at Home Depot! (Caution! I'm still worked-up here...)

Went to Home Depot several years ago looking for another shop compressor. I didn't need a big one. Just around 30 gallons. Found a display model. It was the only one of that model they had. It was missing a couple of fittings and the pipe to attach the compressor to the tank. They would not BUDGE on the price. I even got a manager to come down from her lofty office and she was already shaking her head before she ever got to us. Kitty was livid. I almost had to drag her out of the store, because the manager smarted off at me. I thought she was fixin to whoop her some smartass manager *** right there. So we go to Lowes right down the street. They have a very similar model. Kobalt. Cast iron pump and this one was complete. Plus, it was already cheaper than the Home Depot model. A SUPER NICE middle aged black gal asked if we needed some help. I told her what happened at Home Depot. Turns out she KNEW the woman that smarted us off as she had been FIRED from Lowes for the same thing. She said "baby we gone take care of you" and she knocked 25% off the already cheaper compressor and we wheeled it through the store. Sometimes, it's all in how you treat people.
I went to harbor freight and bought a 30 gallon compressor cheaper then both would not give any discount at all oh well won’t be dealing with either again if I can help it and they even loaded it on my truck for me great service