factory magnum head replacement options

When the eq heads moved overseas to China (from Australia) the quality went away fast. I actually don’t even think they are even the same casting but I could be wrong on that. There are plenty of threads here showing how bad these are ootb, just do a search. That’s not to say they can’t be made to work, but the cost for the machine work often outweighs just buying a better set of heads to begin with, and on top of that you have to find a machinist willing to grind on cast iron.
I got mine assembled with everything $700 shipped years ago. Planned to go through them and then have a machine shop check them out as well.

Just bought two 318’s
A 1967 LA BLOCK with the forged crankshaft for $50 with some old/used/unused-by-me big block 346 heads and a 1990-non-magnum-roller-318 tpi top-to-A500 for $600

Was going to build both 318’s for a pair Mopars that would be setup for daily driving.