Bait & Switch BS at Home Depot! (Caution! I'm still worked-up here...)

Whereas this is annoying, Home Depot did nothing wrong in this case.
There were two different stores in question here, the two stores have different pricing.
The item was looked up at one store and attempted purchase at a different store.

Lesson learned, move on.


I've been through this before with them, and what you state above is dead-wrong.

Store (location) "x" posted an online price, and I watched it all week at work.

Visited same store during lunch break, they wanted to charge me $40 more.

Checked again online when I got back to the office, verified the same store. Sure enough, online price was $40 lower than in-store.

Checked other stores for pricing and availability, and while it may seem confusing, the screenshot (original post) is from one of them.

About an hour after I left the store, online price was changed at store (location) "x".

As you say, move on.