Bait & Switch BS at Home Depot! (Caution! I'm still worked-up here...)

Where's the store located?
The store I was watching (pricing) all week is in Plymouth, MN.

When I went to the store and learned the pricing was different, I went back to the office and verified I saw what I thought I had seen. Yup, same store, different price. I even had a coworker look at it to verify....

Then I started checking other stores for pricing and availability, as not all stores carry this product.

Screenshot is from a different store (Elk River), but that's because, 1) It's one of the few stores that carry it, and 2) It's on my way home.

I guess I could have eliminated a bunch of confusion by posting a screenshot from the Plymouth store, but it didn't occur to me that this would be such an issue here.