
Monkey See Monkey Do. Our old dog Mugger is 13 years and a few months. She is a mutt with a full-blooded Pointer on her father's side. We also had her sister Lucy who was just a downright brilliant dog. They were separated and grew up in different homes until Mugger's owner could not take care of her and we took her back. After a brief getting to know each other again they were two peas in a pod. Both good dogs but Lucy just excelled at everything. When Lucy died Mugger was not "right " anymore so we went and got a pointer puppy to cheer her up and give her a companion. It backfired in a way as Mugger is now going through her second childhood but the life this puppy breathed back into the old girl was amazing. They fight and play until poor old Mugger just can't go anymore. Georgia just turned 7 months yesterday and she is a very loving dog and the most athletic dog we have ever had. Even when compared to the lost gem Lucy.