18 spline A body 4 speed

You can not build a gear strong enough that I can put a clutch together to kill it. Usually in one shift.

Breaking parts is not a parts issue. It’s garbage clutches being sold by either liars or idiots that is killing the parts.

You can buy the best gears you can find. You can cryogenically treat them, REM polish the hell out of them and a garbage clutch will kill it.

You are going the right direction with fixing your clutch.

The 833 will take way more than most guys ever put through one and not break.

A healthy /6 will trash a gearbox on a run with a junk clutch.
So that clutch ( Mcleod Organic) stated above with what PP? will it be fine with no tamer? good enough to street drive but have fun dumping the clutch or power shifting occasionally when I want to have some fun?